The Third Visit of HH Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche in Poland, 13th – 21st July 2009, Warsaw

Seven days transmission & two days of explanations of Pema Lingpa’s “Künzang Gongdü” Dzogchen terma cycle.

Seven days transmission of Pema Lingpa’s “Künzang Gongdü” Dzogchen terma.

Receiving this transmission enables one to do general Dzogchen practices (especially connected with “Künzang Gongdü” cycle). It also authorizes to participate in a Dzogchen course leaded by HH Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche. The Kordo Rushen, Tregchő, Thőgal, Bardo practices are the part of this course. Receiving of the initiation entitles also to Tsa-Lung-Thigle practices.

You do not need to fulfil any special conditions to participate in this cycle of initiations. Still as every Dharma practice your participation should be based on intention of benefiting all sentient beings.

Most of all, an initiation of peaceful and wrathful deities is held. It is given on the basis of “Künzang Gongdü” tema text called Chintamani (“The Wish Jewel”), which fulfils all hopes of disciples and is based on another text belonging to the secret of “Künzang Gongdü” peaceful and wrathful deities assembly called “All-pervading Activities”.

The main purpose of this first initiation is to introduce disciples to the fact that their aggregates (of body, feelings, perceptions, mental formations and consciousnesses), elements, eight consciousnesses, etc., are of the nature of the 42 peaceful deities, and that the 58 mental factors partake of the essence of the wrathful deities. The so-called peaceful and wrathful mandalas are taught to be present respectfully in one’s heart and one’s brain. Then, on the basis of the double practice of Dzogpa Chenpo. If the practitioner doesn’t get liberated in this lifetime, he/she will be able to, at least, recognize those deities in the bardo state as the display of pure wisdom – Rigpa, and then get liberated in the primordial purity of the Basis.

Then, there are four specific initiations :

1. the Outer Vase Initiation with elaborations (called “Ocean of Nectar” for ripening and liberating). Its purpose is to dispel the veils created by a distorted use of the body;

2. the Secret Initiation without elaborations (called “The Wheel of Jewels”). Its purpose is to dispel the veils created by a distorted use of the speech;

3. the Very Simple Initiation of awakened intelligence – wisdom (called Supreme initiation), its purpose being to dispel the veils created by a distorted use of the Mind;

4- the Extremely Simple Precious Initiation of the Word (called “The Fourth Chapter of the Rosary”). Its purpose is to dispel the subtlest veils created by the subtlest delusion (called the Ignorance with regard to the sole Nature, the cause) Actually it is an introduction to Rigpa (the inherent knowledge-wisdom abiding in the uncreated Basis).